
Japanese navy on war thunder
Japanese navy on war thunder

Ordnances authorized prior to the Showa era had a slightly different numbering convention however, it is not relevant to gameplay in War Thunder and will not be mentioned here. Single digit years past 2600 were typically represented by only the last digit, so 2602 would show up as “Type 2”. For the year 2600, it is possible it for it to be represented in one of two ways, either “Type 100” or “Type 0”. So as noted in the previous paragraph, the “Type 99” correlates to the ordnance being adopted in the Japanese Empire year 2599 or in the currently used 1939. The year would correspond with the year of the Japanese Empire which would have been 26 (25, 25.etc…).

japanese navy on war thunder

Up until the time of the reign of Emperor Showa (started in 1926), ordnance was designated by the era of the emperor in power. For example, if a bomb had been in production since 1936, usage started in 1938, and the ordnance was accepted into the service in 1939, the type number would be “Type 99” (more on the year number in the next paragraph). The type number given on the bombs equates to the year in which the ordnance was accepted into service, not the year it was produced or in actual use.

Japanese navy on war thunder